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When the Fantastic becomes real, people die!

When the body of a young heiress is found and her baby, ripped from the still warm corpse, is taken; the woman’s half-brother swears to bring those responsible to justice.

It is a task that appears almost impossible until years later when he discovers the child’s name, Raven. 


Now Raven lives on the edge of society, earning her living immersed in the electronic chatter and detritus of a future world. And then Ceriful crosses the boundaries, bringing the slipstream in his wake.  


Ceriful ~ sometimes demon and sometimes angel, but always dangerous ~ a being from another reality, part fantasy, part product of those who still dream, and oh so enticing. Ceriful needs Raven to restore his realm, and he brings with him a promise.

Now Raven’s decision will either save his world, or ours.


Cyberpunk and Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy has never looked so good!


Slipstream  - Buy e-book on Amazon, Kobo, Booktopia.

Buy print book - Gleebooks - Glebe, Sydney - in store copies (signed)

Online - Abbey's Bookstore,  Angus & Robertson online,  Amazon (Aust & USA & UK)

Booktopia , Book Depository, Barnes & Noble, Dymocks, Mysterious Galaxy, The Last Book Store, 

Short Story Collections


Prepare to be mesmerized and to become completely lost in the spells in between the syllables 

Here is a small selection of magazines and anthologies that Alice's short stories have appeared in over the last few years - dark tales, metaphysical stories, swashbuckling yarns, featuring naiads, shapeshifters, ghosts, and immortals. Many are love stories, some span centuries, some just a few short months. Some are scary, sad, uplifting or strange. All will transport you to a place that may start off feeling familiar but will soon seem less so.

And if you want to read a couple of stories that are free, visit the Stories & Musing page and dip into some that are now available there.....


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Black Dandy Literary Magazine  - Issue 3

Black Dandy is a literary journal dedicated to excellence in magic realism, surrealism, and the otherwise strange. Based in New Zealand, we're proud to feature top talent from around the world. Our third issue features 10 stories from today's most compelling writers. 


Illustrator, Lance Jackson is always striving to do something new for Black Dandy. For this issue his brief was to celebrate the pop art graphic styles of Roy Lichtenstein and Jack Kirby, famous for their work in the 1960s.  The imagery itself is drawn from Alice Godwin's tale "Spinning on the Rim."


Spinning on the Rim - A military pilot caught up in war tensions discovers that there are higher powers at work, and sacrifices to be made for the good of mankind.

Black Dandy Issue 3 is now available on Amazon

Unfading Daydreams 
Unfading Daydreams is a literary magazine founded in 2017, which features unique stories that are in the speculative fiction genre. The magazine is published quarterly and usually themed. Three of my stories appear in three issues.

Issue 3- New beginnings features my story - Chrysalis  is set in Venice ......

"The apartment was situated at the water’s edge, a crumbling mansion that hung precariously in limbo. At night as she lay in bed, she would hear the waves lapping under the floorboards, licking at the pillars with their salty, watery tongues. The scent of brine engulfed the rooms, salty like fresh oysters, seaweed perfumes that floated over her......" 


Issue 4 - ReTold - stories that retell already existing fairy tales. “Hi pretty boy, what brings you to my neck of the woods?....." begins my short story  8  a retelling'll have to read it and decide for yourself 


Issue 6 - Cryptids - (noun) an animal whose existence is unsubstantiated or extinct. Ancestral Imprints, my short story is set in my childhood home Tasmania. ......"The River Styx wound its ancient way through a primeval underworld of swamp gums and tree ferns. They were entering the Valley of the Giants, where the second tallest trees in the world grow, eucalyptus regnans, the huge trunk at ground level was covered in a patchwork cloth of lichen, moss and luminous orange fungus, baby olearia shrubs and waist high ferns nestled among its buttresses........"

Lighthouses: An Anthology of Dark Tales
& Subtropical Suspense

Black Beacon Books is an independent publisher founded in Australia in 2013 and now based in Brittany. They publish imaginative and thought-provoking fiction that falls into the genres of mystery, suspense, and psychological horror.

Lighthouses features fourteen original stories of horror, mystery, suspense, and adventure. The storm is coming, so batten down the hatches and let Lighthouses guide you into the darkness.  

"Drowned town tours, I think the sign ghoulish but go along anyway. There isn’t much else happening in this small town. We all sit in the glass bottomed boat drifting along the lake’s surface, which gleams blue like some exotic cocktail.......... "  Into the Light.


Alice Godwin's 'Into The Light,' the lines between life, dream and death are beautifully obscured here, with a climax that builds to epic proportions - PanReview


Into the Light -  At times it is a terrific love story, at others, it is a convincingly frightening tribute to the power of a good horror tale. Woman meets man. Man likes woman. They fall in love. Man is eternal, it seems, but this fact doesn't stop the emotion or physicality of their relationship building. His true nature is revealed at story's end, and  I must confess to feeling disappointed the male character wasn't a vampire, but not as disappointed at seeing the story actually end.  It's deep, its fascinating, its scary, its moving, and as I said at the start, it's simply gorgeous.  

Amazon Review  Lighthouses: An anthology of Dark Tales


Subtropical Suspense set in the sultry city of Brisbane, Australia, gateway to the northern tropics. There is baking sun and flooding rains, police procedurals and criminal capers, murderous mermaids and poison pens... all give a ripple of pleasure to the reader wether you know Brisbane or not...... "The cards fell onto the lush green grass, lying there like rectangular flowers: white, red and black. Petals designed by a cubist. Picasso or Braque......." Scarlett Fever


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