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Alice Godwin

Raised in the most southern of Australian cities, Hobart, capital of the heart-shaped island of Tasmania, gateway to the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, Alice brings the wilds of her imagination to a world ready to absorb all she has to offer.


Impacted by the mystical land of her childhood, this emotionally intuitive author recalls days of climbing through Eden-like forests and around glacial waterfalls through an area that was once inhabited by Palawa, the original natives that were almost wiped out during the genocide of the 1800’s. Mystical ravens and colorful parrots cohabitated in Antarctic Beech forests, adding to her sense of wonder of the world around her.


With such a magical and potent environment, Alice’s visual imagination developed and brought forth this powerful Writer of short stories and novels ~  Slipstream, Book 1 ofThe Slipstream Series released November 2022.


She’s been published in over 40 Anthologies, literary magazines, online eZines (USA/UK/Australian). She’s been awarded Short Story of the Year 2008 by the Australian Horror Writers Association and has been shortlisted in quite a few literary competitions, such as the Irish SF Aeon Award.  


Each story highlights and showcases Alice's skill as an author, from the depth of character to the earth-moving detail of emotion through which each reader travels, truly bringing alchemy and transformation to those who find themselves lost in her pages.


Prepare to be mesmerized and to become completely lost in the spells in between the syllables......



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