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Siren songs.

Steampunk submarines.

A military pilot confronting the ultimate sacrifice.


Award Winning Author

Alice Godwin, 

takes your imagination as deep as your soul.


This genre-fluid author writes and blends styles of writing, seamlessly. Whether you are looking for a contemporary classic myth combined with tales of pirate romance or a surprising blend of fantastical, mystical magic, Alice takes you on journeys to the far reaches of the Universe without even so much as a single note out of place.

Harmony. Balance. Excitement. Adventure.

Complete and utter chaotic BLISS.

Alice Godwin uses Dark Fantasy as the canvas on which she paints this fantasy whodunit with the flare of a noir thriller. The opening chapter delivers just enough backstory to generate questions that frame the plot that unfolds in fractured pieces from varying points of view that fit together like a Japanese puzzle box. I recommend this book to those looking for their next fantasy mystery read. Filled with suspense, foreshadowing, and flashbacks, it delivers a surprise ending. 

Amazon Review ~  Slipstream


This mystery was gripping and I was eager to find out how all the parts came together. I was definitely hooked from this opening chapter.This book was very descriptive and the world building was incredible. I could fully imagine both the present and past settings of this book and I absolutely loved them.  I thought the ending was great, it brought everything together but then also left the reader on a cliffhanger. 

Goodreads Review ~ Slipstream



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